The European Parliament has always been indifferent to the issue of Azerbaijani hostages – Ahmad Shahidov

A biased attitude towards Azerbaijan was demonstrated in the European Parliament during discussions on the Azerbaijani blogger Mehman Huseynov.

It is not the first time the European Parliament has shown double standards against our country. European parliamentarians, who have always been indifferent and silent to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, the issue of the Azerbaijani captives and hostages, are specially active on political issues.

Coordinator of the Information center for Azerbaijani captives and hostages, human rights defender Dr. Ahmad Shahidov shared his own experience to REAL Television on biased position of the European Parliament: “We have repeatedly participated in events and meetings in the European Parliament, and we had discussions on human rights issues. We have always witnessed the indifferent attitude of the European parliamentarians when discussing the issue of Azerbaijani captives and hostages. Even a few years ago, in Brussels, we had a protest action related to the Azerbaijani hostages Dilgam Asgarov and Shahbaz Guliyev in front of the European Parliament. Taking photos of our hostages in front of the European Parliament, we held a silent action. Only five minutes later, members of the European Parliament’s security service came and demanded to stop the protest action. However, every day at that place different protest actions are held and political slogans are sounded. But they did not allow our protest action which was related to fundamental human rights. It was the European Parliament that did not allow our silent protest action on Azerbaijani hostages.”

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The European Parliament has always been indifferent to the issue of Azerbaijani hostages – Ahmad Shahidov

20 January 2019

A biased attitude towards Azerbaijan was demonstrated in the European Parliament during discussions on the Azerbaijani blogger Mehman Huseynov.

It is not the first time the European Parliament has shown double standards against our country. European parliamentarians, who have always been indifferent and silent to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, the issue of the Azerbaijani captives and hostages, are specially active on political issues.

Coordinator of the Information center for Azerbaijani captives and hostages, human rights defender Dr. Ahmad Shahidov shared his own experience to REAL Television on biased position of the European Parliament: “We have repeatedly participated in events and meetings in the European Parliament, and we had discussions on human rights issues. We have always witnessed the indifferent attitude of the European parliamentarians when discussing the issue of Azerbaijani captives and hostages. Even a few years ago, in Brussels, we had a protest action related to the Azerbaijani hostages Dilgam Asgarov and Shahbaz Guliyev in front of the European Parliament. Taking photos of our hostages in front of the European Parliament, we held a silent action. Only five minutes later, members of the European Parliament’s security service came and demanded to stop the protest action. However, every day at that place different protest actions are held and political slogans are sounded. But they did not allow our protest action which was related to fundamental human rights. It was the European Parliament that did not allow our silent protest action on Azerbaijani hostages.”
