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“Google and Facebook have become more favorable for terrorism and separatism” – Ahmad Shahido ...

15 October 2017

Today the International Conference, organized by The Austrian Chairmanship of the OSCE and the Czech Chairmanship of the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers continued its work in Vienna, Austria. Representatives of OSCE participating States, OSCE ...

Ahmad Shahidov spoke about the importance of social media in the life of youth in the trainings in Ganja

25 July 2017

The opening ceremony of the project “School of Young Bloggers”, organised by the New Azerbaijan Party Ganja City Organization and the Reformist Youth Public Union, was held on July 24 with the support of the ...


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“Google and Facebook have become more favorable for terrorism and separatism” – Ahmad Shahidov spoke about the internet freedom at the OSCE Vienna Meeting

15 October 2017

Today the International Conference, organized by The Austrian Chairmanship of the OSCE and the Czech Chairmanship of the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers continued its work in Vienna, Austria. Representatives of OSCE participating States, OSCE ...

Ahmad Shahidov spoke about the importance of social media in the life of youth in the trainings in Ganja

25 July 2017

The opening ceremony of the project “School of Young Bloggers”, organised by the New Azerbaijan Party Ganja City Organization and the Reformist Youth Public Union, was held on July 24 with the support of the ...
