“Prior to the municipality elections some irregularities have occurred” – AIDHR

An election will be held for the local self-government circles – municipalities in Azerbaijan on December 23, 2014.

Far in advance of Election Day Azerbaijani Institute for Democracy and Human Rights (AIDHR) made a statement on pre-election period.

Azerbaijani Institute for Democracy and Human Rights declares that regardless of launched election campaign in the country since November 30, 2014 activeness of candidates running their campaigns is not observed both in Baku, big cities, villages and provinces. This very reason will ultimately lead to low voters turnout on the Election Day.

Overall places for municipalities are 15035 of which 13405 candidates from ruling party ran for their candidacy. In comparison with this figure number of the candidates from the rest 8 parties are low. As a consequence, we have misbalance among the political parties.

In the course of preparation period several irregularities, falsifications were observed which contradict “European Charter of Local Self-Government” joined by Azerbaijan on December 25, 2001.

  • Registration of candidates have been artificially undermined in majority of regions;
  • During the candidates registration discrimination has been made due to their political views, affiliation;
  • Local governors put pressure on registered candidates, their families and relatives and force them to withdraw their candidacy;
  • At some constituencies additional documents are required from the candidates which is not considered at legislation;
  • Local governing bodies and constituencies have created bureaucraticobstacles during the registration process, ultimately it violated voters rights to participate in the election ;
  • Appeals of complaints submitted to the expert group of Central Election Commission were not considered in time and due to the citizens political affiliation consideration of complaints were artificially delayed;
  • Election campaigns run by the ruling party outweigh others and it creates misbalance among the candidates;
  • Registered candidates are made enticing offers by some persons to withdraw their candidacy in favor of them;
  • Local mass media means, TVs, radios and new media give less coverage on the pre-election campaign on December 23;
  • Apart from the candidates of ruling party other candidates are not provided with air time free of charge which is in lined with the legislation.


AIDHR declares that all aforementioned undermines holding transparent, democratic and fair municipality election to be conducted on December 23 and harms democratic election practices obtained by Azerbaijan.

Azerbaijan Institute for Democracy and Human Rights
17 December 2014, Baku, Azerbaijan Republic

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“Prior to the municipality elections some irregularities have occurred” – AIDHR

16 December 2014

An election will be held for the local self-government circles – municipalities in Azerbaijan on December 23, 2014.

Far in advance of Election Day Azerbaijani Institute for Democracy and Human Rights (AIDHR) made a statement on pre-election period.

Azerbaijani Institute for Democracy and Human Rights declares that regardless of launched election campaign in the country since November 30, 2014 activeness of candidates running their campaigns is not observed both in Baku, big cities, villages and provinces. This very reason will ultimately lead to low voters turnout on the Election Day.

Overall places for municipalities are 15035 of which 13405 candidates from ruling party ran for their candidacy. In comparison with this figure number of the candidates from the rest 8 parties are low. As a consequence, we have misbalance among the political parties.

In the course of preparation period several irregularities, falsifications were observed which contradict “European Charter of Local Self-Government” joined by Azerbaijan on December 25, 2001.

  • Registration of candidates have been artificially undermined in majority of regions;
  • During the candidates registration discrimination has been made due to their political views, affiliation;
  • Local governors put pressure on registered candidates, their families and relatives and force them to withdraw their candidacy;
  • At some constituencies additional documents are required from the candidates which is not considered at legislation;
  • Local governing bodies and constituencies have created bureaucraticobstacles during the registration process, ultimately it violated voters rights to participate in the election ;
  • Appeals of complaints submitted to the expert group of Central Election Commission were not considered in time and due to the citizens political affiliation consideration of complaints were artificially delayed;
  • Election campaigns run by the ruling party outweigh others and it creates misbalance among the candidates;
  • Registered candidates are made enticing offers by some persons to withdraw their candidacy in favor of them;
  • Local mass media means, TVs, radios and new media give less coverage on the pre-election campaign on December 23;
  • Apart from the candidates of ruling party other candidates are not provided with air time free of charge which is in lined with the legislation.


AIDHR declares that all aforementioned undermines holding transparent, democratic and fair municipality election to be conducted on December 23 and harms democratic election practices obtained by Azerbaijan.

Azerbaijan Institute for Democracy and Human Rights
17 December 2014, Baku, Azerbaijan Republic
