AIDHR declaration on the occasion of Human Rights Day on December 10

The 10th of December is marked as the Human Rights Day worldwide. The decision is related to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights made by United Nations General Assembly’s adoption and proclamation on 10 December 1948.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is consists of thirty articles which support each individual’s rights. The first two articles read that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Equity of the human beings dignity paved the way for equity of whole mankind rights. Universality means that everyone is entitled for these rights and it’s in no way that anyone is deprived of his action.

Azerbaijani Institute for Democracy and Human Rights (AIDHR) declares that the first ever Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan which was adopted in 1995 is the comprehensive document on ensuring human rights. The 12th article of this document states that ensuring the rights and liberties of a person and a citizen, decent living conditions for the citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan is the highest objective of the State.

The state guarantees equality of rights and liberties of everyone, irrespective of race, nationality, religion, language, sex, origin, financial position, occupation, political convictions, membership in political parties, trade unions and other public organizations. Rights and liberties of a person, citizen cannot be restricted due to race, nationality, religion, language, sex, origin, conviction, political and social belonging.

Regardless of the fact the constitution came in power since 20 years and tangible measure have been carried out by the government, we witness some infringement of citizens’ rights in various areas.

AIDHR calls on the government to take tangible steps on ensuring all citizens equal rights, rights of ownership, right for sanctity of home, right to work, right for social protection, right to live in healthy, freedom of thoughts and self expressions, presumption of innocence, right to defend the honor and dignity etc. We also urge the government to secure the principle of rule of law in the country.

Bearing in mind principles of humanism we do welcome pardons and amnesties enacted by the Azerbaijani government. We urge Azerbaijani government to continue its efforts on facilitating cases of leading socio-political activists, representatives of NGOs, journalists and young activists.

AIDHR reckons that Azerbaijani State is governed in lined with legal basis and human rights and freedoms will be treated with respectful manner.

Azerbaijani Institute for Democracy and Human Rights (AIDHR)
December 10, 2014, Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan

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AIDHR declaration on the occasion of Human Rights Day on December 10

10 December 2014

The 10th of December is marked as the Human Rights Day worldwide. The decision is related to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights made by United Nations General Assembly’s adoption and proclamation on 10 December 1948.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is consists of thirty articles which support each individual’s rights. The first two articles read that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Equity of the human beings dignity paved the way for equity of whole mankind rights. Universality means that everyone is entitled for these rights and it’s in no way that anyone is deprived of his action.

Azerbaijani Institute for Democracy and Human Rights (AIDHR) declares that the first ever Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan which was adopted in 1995 is the comprehensive document on ensuring human rights. The 12th article of this document states that ensuring the rights and liberties of a person and a citizen, decent living conditions for the citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan is the highest objective of the State.

The state guarantees equality of rights and liberties of everyone, irrespective of race, nationality, religion, language, sex, origin, financial position, occupation, political convictions, membership in political parties, trade unions and other public organizations. Rights and liberties of a person, citizen cannot be restricted due to race, nationality, religion, language, sex, origin, conviction, political and social belonging.

Regardless of the fact the constitution came in power since 20 years and tangible measure have been carried out by the government, we witness some infringement of citizens’ rights in various areas.

AIDHR calls on the government to take tangible steps on ensuring all citizens equal rights, rights of ownership, right for sanctity of home, right to work, right for social protection, right to live in healthy, freedom of thoughts and self expressions, presumption of innocence, right to defend the honor and dignity etc. We also urge the government to secure the principle of rule of law in the country.

Bearing in mind principles of humanism we do welcome pardons and amnesties enacted by the Azerbaijani government. We urge Azerbaijani government to continue its efforts on facilitating cases of leading socio-political activists, representatives of NGOs, journalists and young activists.

AIDHR reckons that Azerbaijani State is governed in lined with legal basis and human rights and freedoms will be treated with respectful manner.

Azerbaijani Institute for Democracy and Human Rights (AIDHR)
December 10, 2014, Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan
