535 suicide facts were registered in 2013; the figures are 260 within 6 months of 2014
Recent increased number of suicide rates in Azerbaijan stems from not only social problems, people’s attitude towards one anther and indifference of family members within the household. Majority of these suicide facts have links with domestic problems. In most cases, family members do not reveal their problems neither to psychologists nor law enforcers and committing suicide seems the only way out for them.
Statistical figures of committing suicide in Azerbaijan are on rise year by year
Based on the studies conducted by Azerbaijani Institute for Democracy and Human Rights statistical figures on suicides are on the raise in comparison with past years. Thus, statistical figures reached to 138 people in 2008, the numbers indicated 165, 289, 414, 482 and 535 people respectively in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. Although, suicide committers in most cases were survived from their attempts, it was impossible to decrease the tendency of committing suicide attempts in Azerbaijan.
The reasons which cause suicides are associated with not only social problems, low income and living condition. It’s true that, majority of suicide attempts is committed because of social problems; however, increased rates of domestic violence, violence within the household and problems related to lack of understanding among the young people are considered main reasons of suicide facts.
Social networks and mass media has an influence on increased rates of suicides
Another reason of suicides which is frequently come across even in most developed countries is a lack of communication. Thus, the motives of recent suicides committed by young people that registered in Azerbaijan are miscommunication, problems with parents, friends, peers and girlfriends/boyfriend who do not accept them. Those young people who attempt to commit suicide want to be remembered, to show themselves and without considering consequences they give their preference in favor of death. A letter left by suicide committers once again indicates that their intention is more to remain in memories.
Azerbaijani Institute for Democracy and Human Rights expresses its deep concerns with regard to increased rates of suicides in the country which in most cases are not officially registered. We reckon it inevitable to join all our efforts to prevent these prevalent tendencies. Firstly, social projects, establishment of physiological centers and awareness campaigns must be carried out in the country to eradiate this problem.
Azerbaijani Institute for Democracy and Human Rights – AIDHR
13 August, 2014 Baku city
535 suicide facts were registered in 2013; the figures are 260 within 6 months of 2014
Recent increased number of suicide rates in Azerbaijan stems from not only social problems, people’s attitude towards one anther and indifference of family members within the household. Majority of these suicide facts have links with domestic problems. In most cases, family members do not reveal their problems neither to psychologists nor law enforcers and committing suicide seems the only way out for them.
Statistical figures of committing suicide in Azerbaijan are on rise year by year
Based on the studies conducted by Azerbaijani Institute for Democracy and Human Rights statistical figures on suicides are on the raise in comparison with past years. Thus, statistical figures reached to 138 people in 2008, the numbers indicated 165, 289, 414, 482 and 535 people respectively in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. Although, suicide committers in most cases were survived from their attempts, it was impossible to decrease the tendency of committing suicide attempts in Azerbaijan.
The reasons which cause suicides are associated with not only social problems, low income and living condition. It’s true that, majority of suicide attempts is committed because of social problems; however, increased rates of domestic violence, violence within the household and problems related to lack of understanding among the young people are considered main reasons of suicide facts.
Social networks and mass media has an influence on increased rates of suicides
Another reason of suicides which is frequently come across even in most developed countries is a lack of communication. Thus, the motives of recent suicides committed by young people that registered in Azerbaijan are miscommunication, problems with parents, friends, peers and girlfriends/boyfriend who do not accept them. Those young people who attempt to commit suicide want to be remembered, to show themselves and without considering consequences they give their preference in favor of death. A letter left by suicide committers once again indicates that their intention is more to remain in memories.
Azerbaijani Institute for Democracy and Human Rights expresses its deep concerns with regard to increased rates of suicides in the country which in most cases are not officially registered. We reckon it inevitable to join all our efforts to prevent these prevalent tendencies. Firstly, social projects, establishment of physiological centers and awareness campaigns must be carried out in the country to eradiate this problem.
Azerbaijani Institute for Democracy and Human Rights – AIDHR
13 August, 2014 Baku city